TRI Pollution Prevention Report for COVESTRO LLC and Toluene

Facility ID: 02914KNCRP199AM

Facility Name and Address:

Parent Company: COVESTRO LLC

Industry: Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing (325211)
Chemical: Toluene

Production Related Waste Management for Selected Chemical

    Waste Management Comparison - 2022

Pollution Prevention Activities for Selected Chemical

Reporting Year Section 8.10: Newly Implemented Source Reduction Activity Section 8.10: Methods to Identify Activity Section 8.11: Optional Pollution Prevention Information*
2012 Source Reduction:: W89: Other product modifications
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
Source Reduction - In 2012, the facility took special measures to systematically reduce emissions and solid hazardous waste. The project was completed in 2 phases. 1. Optimization of process parameters and stricter operational control. 2. Hardware upgrade. Site also used third parties to calibrate all air flow for stacks to get accurate data and better calculate the emissions. As a result, site achieved significant reduction in emissions. Economic downturn as well as change in product portfolio has also helped the cause significantly. There is a conscious effort to move to water based products portfolio from a VOC based (solvent borne) product portfolio.
2011 Source Reduction:: W89: Other product modifications
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
W89: Site is changing product mix from solvent based to water based sustainable coatings

Source Reduction - Site is changing product mix from solvent based to water based sustainable coatings
1997 Source Reduction:: W33: Installed overflow alarms or automatic shutoff valves

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T03: Materials balance audits
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
1996 Source Reduction:: W19: Other changes in operating practices

Source Reduction:: W29: Other changes in inventory control
Source Reduction:: W33: Installed overflow alarms or automatic shutoff valves
Source Reduction:: W71: Other cleaning and degreasing modifications

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T01: Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T03: Materials balance audits
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T01: Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
1991 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
*Classifications of Optional Pollution Prevention Information shown in brackets are provided by EPA.

TRI Pollution Prevention Glossary

The Waste Management Hierarchy

The waste management hierarchy established by the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) guides waste generators toward the best options for managing wastes. The preferred option is to prevent pollution at its source, but for waste that is generated, the preferred management methods are recycling, followed by burning for energy recovery, treatment and, as a last resort, disposing of the waste.
  • Source Reduction includes activities that eliminate or reduce the generation of chemical waste.
  • Recycling includes the recovery of a toxic chemical in waste for reuse.
  • Energy Recovery includes the combustion of toxic chemicals in waste to generate heat or electricity.
  • Treatment includes the destruction of a toxic chemical in waste.
  • Disposal or Other Releases includes toxic chemical quantities entering the environment.
The PPA requires facilities to provide the following details about each chemical they report to TRI:
Facilities may also provide optional Pollution Prevention Information describing their source reduction, recycling, or pollution control activities.