TRI Pollution Prevention Report for AMPHENOL APC INC and Lead compounds

Facility ID: 03062TRDYN4PITT

Facility Name and Address:
NASHUA, NH 03062

Parent Company: AMPHENOL CORP

Industry: Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing (334412)
Chemical: Lead compounds

Production Related Waste Management for Selected Chemical

    Waste Management Comparison - 2020

Pollution Prevention Activities for Selected Chemical

Reporting Year Section 8.10: Newly Implemented Source Reduction Activity Section 8.10: Methods to Identify Activity Section 8.11: Optional Pollution Prevention Information*
2022 Source Reduction:: S06: Other material modifications made[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
S06: Amphenol APC offers alternative finishes which do not utilize lead. (Ag, Sn, Pd)

Source Reduction - Front end engineering and product design, assist in promoting alternative finishes. Commercial products are open to alternatives, Military product continues to require Sn/Pb. Based on Commercial/Military product ratio we can see a reduction.
Other Barriers to Source Reduction - Military requirement for Sn/b in product does not allow for substitution.

2021 Source Reduction:: S14: Other product modifications made
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
Source Reduction - Amphenol APC manufactures products per customer design or specification. As a whole our customers are moving away from having Lead in their products.
Other Barriers to Source Reduction - Our use of Lead is primarily driven by our customer's designs and specification. Our military products require Lead in lieu of alternatives such as Tin.

2020 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Source Reduction - Engineer replaced old equipment with new, higher tolerance equipment
Other Barriers to Source Reduction - Amphenol APC manufactures to customer demands, these products vary in design and material use. This results in annual usage variation.

2019 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W13: Worked with process engineers to reevaluate dump criteria to extend bath usage life

Source Reduction - Process engineers, production managers and EHS worked to establish criteria to extend bath life
Other Barriers to Source Reduction - The use of Lead in our product is established by our customer demands. Much of our work supports aerospace/military which continue to utilize Lead in their designs.

2018 Source Reduction:: W89: Other product modifications
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T02: External pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
Source Reduction - Many customers are reducing the demand of using Lead in the products we manufacture for them. This is an ongoing process.
2017 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers
Source Reduction:: W22: Began to test outdated material - continue to use if still effective
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
W14: Worked with engineers to extend bath life by re-evaluating dump/remake requirements
W22: Worked with vendors to extend shelf life of product use

2016 Source Reduction:: W22: Began to test outdated material - continue to use if still effective[-0-4%]

Source Reduction:: W58: Other process modifications[-5-14%]

Source Reduction:: W67: Improved rinse equipment design[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T03: Materials balance audits
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T01: Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
W22: If a material exceeds it's expiration date, we have the vendor recertify whenever possible.
W58: Working with Engineers to extend the useful life of chemical baths to reduce dump and remakes

Source Reduction - We always utilize counter flow rinses
Source Reduction - We audit our raw materials, identifying materials approaching an expiration date and work with our vendors to get it recertified to extent its useful life.
Source Reduction - We audit our raw materials, identifying materials approaching an expiration date and work with our vendors to get it recertified to extent its useful life.
Source Reduction - Have internally published dump targets which must be met before a chemical bath is dumped. If target is not met it is not allowed to be dumped.
2015 Source Reduction:: W19: Other changes in operating practices
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W19: Lead use in our products has declined in demand. We manufacture to our customer designs, we are seeing a reduction in demand due to ROHS regulations.

2014 Other Barriers to Source Reduction - Lead use in product is driven by customer requirements. The industry as a whole is moving away from Lead, which has resulted in gradual reduction of its use.

2013 Other Barriers to Source Reduction - Variations in product demand

2012 Other Barriers to Source Reduction - Lead usage is a decline due to implementation of ROHS regulations and general awareness in the industry. We are seeing a decline in the use of Lead in our products. With that we are working on other chemical which are not in a state of decline.

2007 Source Reduction:: W78: Other surface preparation and finishing modifications
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
Source Reduction - Demand for lead as a surface finish is deminishing in the pcb industry.
*Classifications of Optional Pollution Prevention Information shown in brackets are provided by EPA.

TRI Pollution Prevention Glossary

The Waste Management Hierarchy

The waste management hierarchy established by the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) guides waste generators toward the best options for managing wastes. The preferred option is to prevent pollution at its source, but for waste that is generated, the preferred management methods are recycling, followed by burning for energy recovery, treatment and, as a last resort, disposing of the waste.
  • Source Reduction includes activities that eliminate or reduce the generation of chemical waste.
  • Recycling includes the recovery of a toxic chemical in waste for reuse.
  • Energy Recovery includes the combustion of toxic chemicals in waste to generate heat or electricity.
  • Treatment includes the destruction of a toxic chemical in waste.
  • Disposal or Other Releases includes toxic chemical quantities entering the environment.
The PPA requires facilities to provide the following details about each chemical they report to TRI:
Facilities may also provide optional Pollution Prevention Information describing their source reduction, recycling, or pollution control activities.