TRI Pollution Prevention Report for AMPHENOL APC INC and Nitrate compounds (water dissociable; reportable only when in aqueous solution)

Facility ID: 03062TRDYN4PITT

Facility Name and Address:
NASHUA, NH 03062

Parent Company: AMPHENOL CORP

Industry: Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing (334412)
Chemical: Nitrate compounds (water dissociable; reportable only when in aqueous solution)

Production Related Waste Management for Selected Chemical

    Waste Management Comparison - 2020

Pollution Prevention Activities for Selected Chemical

Reporting Year Section 8.10: Newly Implemented Source Reduction Activity Section 8.10: Methods to Identify Activity Section 8.11: Optional Pollution Prevention Information*
2022 Source Reduction:: S24: Modified or updated equipment or layout[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
Barriers: B3-Barriers to P2 B3 - Concern that product quality may decline as a result of source reduction.
S24: An inline process was updated to reduce potential for drag-out of chemistry and extend bath life.

Source Reduction - Vendor assisting Engineer with design changes to improve process.

Barriers to P2: B3 - Concern that product quality may decline as a result of source reduction. - Concern that increase in comtaminants due to extension of bath life could potentially affect product quality.

2021 Source Reduction:: S43: Introduced in-line product quality monitoring or other process analysis system[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T01: Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
Barriers: B3-Barriers to P2 B3 - Concern that product quality may decline as a result of source reduction.
S43: Utilize specific gravity monitoring to determine level of contaminant build up. Due to variation in product processed through the line contaminant level build up is not linear.

Source Reduction - Through measuring the contaminant build up it allows maximum usage of chemical, reducing dump and remake of bath.

Barriers to P2: B3 - Concern that product quality may decline as a result of source reduction. - Usage is based on measuring contaminant build up, extending this measure could result in decline of quality.

2020 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures[-0-4%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
Source Reduction - Working with vendor to determine better dump scheduling. Current capacity of product is being evaluated
2019 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers[-0-4%]

Source Reduction:: W15: Introduced an in-line product quality monitoring or other process analysis system

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T06: Employee recommendation (under a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T06: Employee recommendation (under a formal company program)
Barriers: B3-Barriers to P2 B3 - Concern that product quality may decline as a result of source reduction.
W14: Working with process engineer we established improved criteria dictating when a bath requires to be changed, thus extending useful life and reducing amount used.

Source Reduction - Worked with process engineer
Source Reduction - Process engineer worked with vendor to develop the process and criteria
Source Reduction - Utilize a edvice measuring specific gravity , as contaminants build the S.G increases. Specific gravity dictates when the bath is reached its end of use.
Source Reduction - Process engineer developed criteria to extend bath usage.

Barriers to P2: B3 - Concern that product quality may decline as a result of source reduction. - Concern that further build up of contaminants could cause quality issues.

2018 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W13: Working with Process engineers to extend useful life of chemistry. Have moved away from time based schedule to contaminant level.

Source Reduction - Management directive to evaluate how far chemistry can be used before impacting production. Also to do away from simple time based schedules which do not take into consideration of actual production time.
2017 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
W14: Working with process engineers to extend bath usage and dump/remake values

2016 Source Reduction:: W19: Other changes in operating practices
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T01: Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
W19: Working with process engineers to determine extending useful bath life, which reduces dump and remakes

Source Reduction - Determined chemical dumps were be carried out as a convenience to production schedule, working with process engineers to develop stricter dump targets.
2015 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Source Reduction - Continuous work is being done to extend bath life.
2014 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers[-0-4%]

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T06: Employee recommendation (under a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
Source Reduction - Work is being conducted to determine maximum contaminant levels allowable to extend chemistry life.
Other Environmental Practices - Work is being conducted to extend the useful life of materials which generate nitrate compounds
2013 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
2012 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T10: Vendor assistance
W13: Reduced frequency of dump and remakes based on metals loadfing instead of scheduled time interval

2010 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T06: Employee recommendation (under a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
2009 Source Reduction:: W13: Improved maintenance scheduling, recordkeeping, or procedures

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T06: Employee recommendation (under a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
Source Reduction - Tightened controls over Preventative Maintenance, which had previously been based on higher production values. New criteria and restrictions were placed on processes to maximize chemical usage life.
2004 Source Reduction:: W42: Substituted raw materials
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
2003 Source Reduction:: W42: Substituted raw materials
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
*Classifications of Optional Pollution Prevention Information shown in brackets are provided by EPA.

TRI Pollution Prevention Glossary

The Waste Management Hierarchy

The waste management hierarchy established by the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) guides waste generators toward the best options for managing wastes. The preferred option is to prevent pollution at its source, but for waste that is generated, the preferred management methods are recycling, followed by burning for energy recovery, treatment and, as a last resort, disposing of the waste.
  • Source Reduction includes activities that eliminate or reduce the generation of chemical waste.
  • Recycling includes the recovery of a toxic chemical in waste for reuse.
  • Energy Recovery includes the combustion of toxic chemicals in waste to generate heat or electricity.
  • Treatment includes the destruction of a toxic chemical in waste.
  • Disposal or Other Releases includes toxic chemical quantities entering the environment.
The PPA requires facilities to provide the following details about each chemical they report to TRI:
Facilities may also provide optional Pollution Prevention Information describing their source reduction, recycling, or pollution control activities.