TRI Pollution Prevention Report for AGRAFORM and Carbaryl

Facility ID: 63111RHNPL133EK

Facility Name and Address:

Parent Company: NA

Industry: Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing (325320)
Chemical: Carbaryl

Production Related Waste Management for Selected Chemical

    Waste Management Comparison - 2021

Pollution Prevention Activities for Selected Chemical

Reporting Year Section 8.10: Newly Implemented Source Reduction Activity Section 8.10: Methods to Identify Activity Section 8.11: Optional Pollution Prevention Information*
2022 Source Reduction:: S25: Other process modifications made[-15-24%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
S25: Rinsewater from washouts was collected and held to be reused in future campaigns.

Source Reduction - Attempted to combine campaigns to reduce washouts and waste water generation.
2020 Source Reduction:: W58: Other process modifications[-15-24%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W58: Rinsewater from washouts was collected and held to be reused in future campaigns. This activity was limited as the stored washwater is susceptible to bacteria growth while in storage.

Source Reduction - We also attempted to combine campaigns to reduce washouts and waste water generation.
2019 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers
Source Reduction:: W52: Modified equipment, layout, or piping
Source Reduction:: W67: Improved rinse equipment design
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W14: We have 2 Clients that use Carbaryl in their formulation. We worked with both Clients and are now scheduling these production runs together to eliminate washouts between the campaigns.
W52: We purchased new process tanks in 2019 that are polished stainless. This allows for much easier cleaning and reduction in rinse water generation.
W67: Upgraded our high pressure washers to reduce volume of rinse water generation.

2018 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers[-5-14%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W14: Combined several runs into single campaigns to reduce washouts and rinsewater.

2016 Source Reduction:: W19: Other changes in operating practices
Source Reduction:: W68: Improved rinse equipment operation
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
W19: Combined several Carbaryl campaigns together to reduce washouts.
W68: High pressure washers installed to decrease waste water generation during cleaning process.

2015 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers[-5-14%]
Source Reduction:: W71: Other cleaning and degreasing modifications[-5-14%]
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)

Other Environmental Practices: Recycling - Rinse water from washouts is collected and recycled back into succeeding production runs. This activity helps to reduce the amount of waste generated for the year.

2014 Source Reduction:: W71: Other cleaning and degreasing modifications[-5-14%]

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
W71: We modified the cleanout procedure to utilize high pressure washers(high pressure, low flow) to conduct cleaning of tanks and piping. This has reduced the amount of washwater generated during the cleaning cycles.

Source Reduction: Recycling - We are continuing to combine campaigns of Carbaryl at our facility to minimize the number of washouts required each year. By combining 2 production campaigns into a single run, we reduce our annual cumulative waste by 10%.

2013 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers

Source Reduction:: W19: Other changes in operating practices

Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T01: Internal pollution prevention opportunity audit(s)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T05: Employee recommendation (independent of a formal company program)
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T09: Trade association/industry technical assistance program
W14: Combined multiple campaigns into a single run to minimize wash water generated.
W19: Held out water from the product during processing and then added it at the end to "flush" the system clean into the finished product. Simplified the cleanout and much less water was generated.

2012 Source Reduction:: W14: Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T04: Participative team management
W14: Smaller campaigns were combined into larger ones to reduce the amount of rinse water containing Carbaryl.

Source Reduction - Rinse water containing Carbaryl is captured and held on-site for recycling into future campaigns. This minimizes waste sent to off-site incinerators. We also have combined runs over the year that has reduced the number of washouts.
2011 Other Environmental Practices - Carbaryl rinse water from the process is collected and used in future production runs. This minimizes off-site treatment of Carbaryl.
2010 Other Environmental Practices - All rinse water from the Carbaryl process is captured and held on-site in full containment areas. All of this rinse water is then consumed during the next Carbaryl campaign. The only disposal of Carbaryl to an offsite facility is the PPE(personal protective equipment) and trash contaminated with Carbaryl that is used in the processing steps. This waste is captured into drums and shipped off-site for treatment.
1992 Source Reduction:: W52: Modified equipment, layout, or piping
Methods to Identify SR Opportunities: T11: Other
*Classifications of Optional Pollution Prevention Information shown in brackets are provided by EPA.

TRI Pollution Prevention Glossary

The Waste Management Hierarchy

The waste management hierarchy established by the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) guides waste generators toward the best options for managing wastes. The preferred option is to prevent pollution at its source, but for waste that is generated, the preferred management methods are recycling, followed by burning for energy recovery, treatment and, as a last resort, disposing of the waste.
  • Source Reduction includes activities that eliminate or reduce the generation of chemical waste.
  • Recycling includes the recovery of a toxic chemical in waste for reuse.
  • Energy Recovery includes the combustion of toxic chemicals in waste to generate heat or electricity.
  • Treatment includes the destruction of a toxic chemical in waste.
  • Disposal or Other Releases includes toxic chemical quantities entering the environment.
The PPA requires facilities to provide the following details about each chemical they report to TRI:
Facilities may also provide optional Pollution Prevention Information describing their source reduction, recycling, or pollution control activities.