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Data Source: 2023 National Analysis Dataset (updated October 2024, released October 2024) See Note     Instructions for printing wide reports

Quantities of TRI Chemicals in Waste (in pounds), Trend Report by Boeing Co Of Portland (TRI ID 97220BNGFP19000) for Tetrachloroethylene chemical, U.S. 1998-2023
Are year to year changes comparable?
Row #  Year  Recycled On-site  View Trend Graphic Recycled Off-site  View Trend Graphic Energy Recovery On-site  View Trend Graphic Energy Recovery Off-site  View Trend Graphic Treated On-site  View Trend Graphic Treated Off-site  View Trend Graphic Total Quantity Disposed or Otherwise Released On- and Off-site  View Trend Graphic Total Production-related Waste Managed  View Trend Graphic Non-Production-related Waste Managed  View Trend Graphic
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1 1998 0 0 0 32 0 23,158 6,477 29,667 0
2 1999 0 0 0 0 0 10,694 14,140 24,834 0
3 2000 0 0 0 0 0 9,042 17,434 26,476 0
4 2001 0 0 0 0 0 8,936 14,173 23,109 0
5 2002 0 1,411 0 0 0 9,902 10,114 21,427 0
6 2003 0 1,131 0 0 0 19,804 10,171 31,106 0
7 2004 0 1,011 0 0 0 10,802 10,339 22,152 0
8 2005 0 934 0 0 0 6,669 12,777 20,380 0
9 2006 0 0 0 2,715 0 3,156 12,088 17,959 0
10 2007 0 0 0 2,337 0 4,437 14,983 21,757 0
11 2008 0 0 0 4,043 0 6,056 11,294 21,393 0
12 2009 0 0 0 5,527 0 5,701 13,744 24,972 0
13 2010 0 0 0 4,487 0 3,666 15,920 24,073 0
14 2011 0 0 0 0 0 10,764 11,215 21,979 0
15 2012 0 0 0 0 0 9,303 13,408 22,711 0
16 2013 0 0 0 0 0 13,902 10,274 24,176 0
17 2014 0 0 0 0 0 9,419 12,133 21,552 0
18 2015 0 0 0 0 0 19,357 9,984 29,341 0
19 2016 0 0 0 0 0 8,761 11,018 19,779 0
20 2017 0 0 0 0 0 8,414 5,792 14,206 0
21 2018 15,143 0 0 0 0 9,789 8,371 33,303 0
22 2019 12,262 0 0 0 0 7,234 8,827 28,323 0
23 2020 20,890 0 0 0 0 9,221 7,203 37,314 0
24 2021 14,833 1 0 0 0 6,850 7,446 29,130 0
25 2022 15,842 0 0 0 0 2,031 9,640 27,513 0
26 2023 16,865 0 0 0 0 7,821 10,131 34,817 0

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Note: Reporting year (RY) 2023 is the most recent TRI data available. Facilities reporting to TRI were required to submit their data to EPA by July 1 for the previous calendar year's activities. TRI Explorer is using the National Analysis data set (updated October 2024, published October 2024). This dataset includes revisions for the years 1988 to 2023 processed by EPA. Revisions submitted to EPA after this time are not reflected in TRI Explorer reports. TRI data may also be obtained through EPA Envirofacts.

Users of TRI information should be aware that TRI data reflect releases and other waste management activities of chemicals, not whether (or to what degree) the public has been exposed to those chemicals. TRI data, in conjunction with other information, can be used as a starting point in evaluating exposures that may result from releases and other waste management activities which involve toxic chemicals. The determination of potential risk depends upon many factors, including the toxicity of the chemical, the fate of the chemical, and the amount and duration of human or other exposure to the chemical after it is released.

Quantities of TRI Chemicals in Waste from Section 8, Column B (Recycled On-site (8.4), Recycled Off-site (8.5), Energy Recovery On-site (8.2), Energy Recovery Off-site (8.3), Treated On-site (8.6), Treated Off-site (8.7), Total on-site disposal to Class I Underground Injection Wells, RCRA Subtitle C Landfills, and other Landfills (8.1A), Total other on-site disposal or other releases (8.1B), Total off-site disposal to Class I Underground Injection Wells, RCRA Subtitle C Landfills, and other Landfills (8.1C), Total other off-site disposal or other releases (8.1D), Total Quantity Disposed of or Otherwise Released On- and Off-site (8.1)), and Non-production-related waste managed from Section 8.8.

Beginning with reporting year 2003 Part II section 8.1 was replaced with 8.1A, 8.1B, 8.1C, and 8.1D. The new columns are included to facilitate trends analysis.

Quantities of waste data are from Section 8 of the Form R, which is the standard TRI reporting form. These data are available beginning with the 1991 reporting year.

A decimal point, or "." denotes the following: if a decimal point is reported across an entire row, the facility submitted a Form A (i.e., the facility certified that its total annual reportable amount is less than 500 pounds, and does not manufacture, process, or otherwise use more than 1 million pounds); or if a decimal point is reported in a single column, the facility left that particular cell blank in its Form R submission (a zero in a cell denotes either that the facility reported "0" or "NA" in its Form R submission).

How to cite TRI Explorer. Following APA Style, 6th edition, an appropriate citation to TRI Explorer is:
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2025). TRI Explorer (2023 National Analysis Dataset (updated October 2024, released October 2024)) [Internet database]. Retrieved from https://enviro.epa.gov/triexplorer/, (January 14, 2025).

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