Description: The code representing the technique used to develop the estimate of the release amount reported in the 'Total Transfers' box (TOTAL_TRANSFER). The values are as follows:
M1 Estimate is based on continuous monitoring data or measurements for the EPCRA section 313 chemical. Added in reporting year 2007.
M2 Estimate is based on periodic or random monitoring data or measurements for the EPCRA section 313 chemical. Added in reporting year 2007.
M Estimate is based on monitoring data or measurements for the EPCRA section 313 chemical. This code was replaced by M1 and M2 in reporting year 2007.
C Estimate is based on mass balance calculations, such as calculations of the amount of the EPCRA section 313 chemical in streams entering and leaving equipment.
E1 Estimate is based on published emission factors, such as those relating release quantity to through-put or equipment type(e.g. air emission factors). Added in reporting year 2007.
E2 Estimate is based on site specific emission factors, such as those relating release quantity to through-put or equipment type (e.g. air emission factors). Added in reporting year 2007.
E Estimate is based on published emission factors, such as those relating release quantity to through-put or equipment type (e.g. air emission factors). This code was replaced by E1 and E2 in reporting year 2007.
O Estimate is based on other approaches such as engineering calculations(e.g. estimating volatilization using published mathematical formulas) or best engineering judgment. This would include applying an estimated removal efficiency to a waste stream, even if the composition of the stream before treatment was fully identified through monitoring data.
X Invalid entry.
N Notapplicable.
Envirofacts Table Name(s):
- Data Source:
- Data Element:
- ADABAS File:
- Length:2
Definition Source:TRI Data Dictionary